

a brief absence

I do, however, have an excuse for this one rather than just saying "I've been busy" or something like that. We've been on vacation!! We've been in Killington, Vermont for the past week with Jake's parents, and it's been so amazing! I'll share more tomorrow or Monday when we're back in Athens and I've got some pictures to post, but for now I'll share my latest FO:

me, with 8 inches less hair, a new shawl and surrounded by wild flowers

That's right. I jumped on the bandwagon and knitted the Haruni Shawl by Emily Ross (My ravelry link here). It was my first time knitting with Malabrigo yarn, and now I understand what all the fuss is about. It's incredible. And that word doesn't even do it justice. It's like knitting with clouds. But softer. 

And now I'm obsessed.

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  1. I've never heard of this yarn before. :-/ Where did you get it?!

  2. I bought mine from Jimmy Beans Wool. That is what I am knitting my mom's sweater with. Her color is Deja Vu.
