

Happy Halloween!

Sorry for the blogging silence. We still don't have a good internet connection, so that makes blogging a little hard!

Yesterday was my 27th birthday, so we went hiking to one of my favorite places - Max Patch. It's this incredible natural bald spot with amazing 360 degree mountain views.

It's a short hike, but definitely worth the drive. It also gave me a chance to wear my new hooded scarf! 

It's Peaks Island Hood by Ysolda Teague. Raveled here. I really love it - made with Malabrigo Worsted, it's like wearing a warm cloud around your neck. The pattern wasn't too well written, but I really enjoy the final result and concept. I may even try to design my own!

We don't have any Halloween plans, but will definitely be taking a nice fall walk this evening to check out all the cute little kids around our neighborhood who will be trick or treating! I hope you all have a safe, happy and candy filled Halloween!

You can see more pictures from our hike on my Flickr page here.

1 comment:

  1. These photos are so lovely, like something out of a pattern book.
