

Saturday Stitches

I'll admit it - I spend too much time on Ravelry. But I'm not ashamed (should I be?) because it's an amazing website, full of resources, tips, and enough knitting patterns to make your head explode. There are a couple of websites that do a semi-regular post featuring some of Ravelry's newest patterns - one being French Press Knits, and the other being Falling Stitches (I'm sure there are more, but I just don't know about them). And while it's great to see some of the newest stuff out there, one of my favorite things about Ravelry is looking at people's finished projects. I absolutely love finding a knitter's finished project that makes me look at the original pattern in a totally different way. Has that ever happened to you? You see a pattern and it doesn't really do much for you, but then you see a version of the pattern and your whole mindset of the original changes. It's amazing how other people's creativity and interpretation of something can change your whole view of the original. So that's why I'm introducing Saturday Stitches. Here I'm going to show some of those finished projects that have just blown me away - hopefully I'll stay on it and there will be a new post every Saturday. And if you happen upon a project on Ravelry that you think would fit well here, feel free to email it to me! Also, to view any of these project pages, you will need a Ravelry account. They're free, and if you're a knitter you should have one anyway because it's the best website ever. And please remember that none of these pictures belong to me - they've all been taken by the knitter themselves. Click on the picture to be taken to the Ravelry project page, and click on the Ravelry user name to be taken to the knitter's profile where you can friend them because they are awesome.

Longcardi by Freckle 

When I first saw this sweater, I instantly fell in love. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of the color, the lining (how bad ass is she??) and the construction of the sweater. Here's the original, which I like, but not enough to knit. Freckle's makes me want to knit it, for sure.

Next up is Lilalu's Sedum

I like the original, but it always just looked so bulky and restricting to me - like if I tried to wear it I would get claustrophobic and wouldn't be able to breathe. Lilalu's looks so great - loose and super comfy - as comfy as a pair of well loved sweatpants. And I absolutely love the fingerless glove detail she added... a girl after my own heart, for sure.

And that wraps up the first edition of Saturday Stitches - I'd love to hear what you think of it! Happy Saturday!

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