

RIP, October

How late am I? Not only is October gone, but November's halfway there. I feel like lately all I do is sign on here to talk about how busy I've been - and this post is no different. And let it be known: I really, really, really don't like being busy.

In the last few years, October has consistently been my busiest month. I'm working, coaching cross country, and now, taking classes towards a Masters in Accountancy. Whew. Throw in being a groomswoman in one of my best friends weddings, plus a visit from my in-laws for my birthday, and you have a jam-packed month. And as much as I dislike being busy, this October was a wonderful one.

 {2nd in the state! So proud of this group of girls!}

Probably the most exciting thing to happen this October was that I quit my job. I left screaming, throwing staplers and desks, criticizing everyone who had ever irritated me.

Not really.

I quietly put in a notice and felt a wave of relief and joy as I did it. My job had been wearing me down for a long, long time. I was able to quit because I was offered a position with an amazing non-profit in our community, working in the finance department. I have my own beautiful office, in a great re-done 1920's schoolhouse. I started this new gig just a week ago, and I'm already loving it. It's quite a change from the loud, chaos of working in classrooms, but it's exactly the change I needed.

 {how about those windows??}

I also turned 30. Still not sure how I feel about that.

{at least birthdays come with delicious cake}

So, now that things are starting to settle down a little bit, and I'm getting used to my new routine of work and school, I plan to pay more attention to my little blog. I've missed not only spending time on my blog, but also reading my favorite blogs. Will you please forgive me for my silence?

And since this is, after all, a knitting blog, know that I have been doing (a little) knitting in my few precious free moments. I finally finished my summer sweater (late much?), and will have a post on it when I can get some photos. But I'll whet your appetite...

Until next time, I'll leave you with some more of my Instagram photos from my favorite month, October. I'll be back soon, promise.


  1. Congratulations on all these exciting events! The new job is especially exciting, way to go!

  2. I hear you about being in education. This is my 10th year and my last.
