

Wedding Ring

I recently mentioned being a groomswoman in a very dear friend's wedding. If you've been a reader of this blog for any time, you might have picked up on the fact that I enjoy making newly married couples blankets. While knitting the blankets, I like to picture the couple snuggled up beneath it while they read, or watch a movie, or just sit by the fire.

Well, this couple is no different. 


I've come to love the Hemlock Ring Blanket pattern Jarod Flood posted a few years ago. It's a quick, simple to memorize pattern with great vintage flair. I hope to get around to making one for our house one day. For this version, I hand-dyed the yarn to try and come up with a color I thought the couple would love. They both love different shades of green, so I did a variegated green, with some brown mixed in. The brown was a happy accident - I didn't do a good job washing the pot out after the last time I dyed, so there was a little color left in the bottom, which resulted in some brown areas. Luckily for me, it fit in pretty well.

Unfortunately, the only photos I got before putting it in the mail were cell phone quality, so please excuse my not-great-quality photos.

Hoping this blanket keeps Sam & Ariel warm for the many years of their happy marriage!

1 comment:

  1. I love the Hemlock Ring blanket pattern. I've had it sitting in my favorites list for ages, but I haven't motivated myself to make it. Your version looks beautiful. Your friends are lucky to have it.
