


If you're in the US, you've probably heard about the big winter storm hitting us here on the East coast. Well let me tell you - it did not disappoint. 

We're at about a foot, and it's still coming down. We're also on day two of what Jake and I are deeming "Snowcation 2014". Our offices have been closed for the last two days, giving us a chance to relax at home and have a little mini vacation.

 One great thing about our neighborhood is that most of the people who work at the bars and restaurants also live within walking distance of those bars and restaurants, which means they stay open even when we're in the middle of a snow storm. So, last night we ventured out for a walk in the snow, and stopped in at our local cider bar, where it was warm and cheery. 

Our snowcation has also given me the opportunity to cast on Antrorse. I knew I wanted to knit this as soon as I saw it, but wasn't planning on starting it so soon. However, seeing Cassy's and Michelle's, I gave in to the "everyone else is doing it" reasoning and started. I love it so far.

I'm really excited about the buttons I have to go on this, but they'll have to wait until a different post.

Hope you're all staying warm & dry!


  1. I love that black and white pic - it looks like a lithograph! Also, I pinned the cider bar for next time I'm in Asheville. Maybe we can meet up there!

    1. Thanks, Gail! Yes! I would absolutely love that! It's a short walk from our house, and is SO delicious!

  2. Eeeep! You're doing it! Can't wait to see this one. I love the richness of that lavender and those buttons!
    Oh man, snowcation looks pretty romantic to me. We have bare trees, dead grass, and 70s this weekend. Blech

    1. I am! I'm so excited. I've had this yarn for about 3 years (shame on me!), and had forgotten how rich in color it was until I started knitting with it. Snowcation was awesome, but it's back to work today. The snow will probably be all melted by Sunday. On the bright side for your weather, warm weather means time to start gardening!
