


A few snapshots of my week, brought to you by my iPhone, and Instagram.

morning coffee done right - with a little Mr. Darcy (mug from here)

i don't always coordinate my knits & my accessories, but when i do, it's a perfect match

earth day moss & a dewy web remnant 

sun peeking through the fog

a shot of our new & improved front yard from the roof (there will be a whole post on this soon!)

beautiful brussels sprouts - love the reflection of the sky in the water droplet

beautiful foggy morn

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

  1. www.tresbienensemble.com4/28/14, 12:42 PM

    Ooo. There are so many wonderful things showcased by your photographs! I would love a mug like that. Thanks for the link. Also, I'm eager to hear about your yard and gardening. We have a yard for the first time in our adult lives, and we're scheming and dreaming all sorts of wonderful things to do with it.
