

Christmas Knitting - Cadeautje

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, I ended up doing a bit of Christmas knitting this year. Nothing too labor-intense or time consuming. This year it was all about thick yarn and quick knits. I only knitted four gifts, which could easily be lumped into one blog post, but I loved this one so much I wanted to give it a post of its own.

You may have seen Ysolda Teague's newest e-book, Knitworthy, making the rounds on Ravelry. I've only knitted one of her patterns in the past, and found the instructions to be about as clear as mud, so I've avoided them since. But when I saw this one, I figured I could give her another shot, and I'm really glad I did.

These thrummed slippers were a gift to my sister, but I don't think they'll be my last pair. I think I need to make some for myself and for my mom!

These were quick to knit up. Sometimes it felt like making the thrums took longer than the knitting! I think this is partially because the pattern doesn't specify how many thrums you will need for each size, so I would make a bunch, knit them all, then have to stop knitting and make more thrums. The second slipper went faster, since I knew from making the first slipper how many thrums to make.

This was my first time using thrums, and I loved it! Jake now wants a thrummed hat, so I see more thrums in my future (outside of making more of these slippers!).

I used Cascade Eco yarn for these, leftover from the first Aidez I ever knit, which was also for my younger sister. So, now she has slippers that match her sweater!

And speaking of things that match, here's a photo of my sister, my mom, and me, all wearing our matching handknit Aidez sweaters on Christmas Day! There aren't many people that are knitworthy in my book, but these two definitely are.

Hope all of you are enjoying a wonderful holiday season!


  1. MichelleCarter12/27/14, 3:14 PM

    Oh my gosh, Jennifer! I'm pinning that last photo. It's the best! My Aidez is now finished too, yay!! I love your thrummed slippers. I'm working on a hat with a loop stitch lining, not sure how that differs from thrums yet, but it has a similar look that I love! I'm glad you had a good Christmas with lots of family time. Have a wonderful New Year!

  2. I love that last photo too! You all look so sweet in your sweaters!

  3. so lovely! I need to make those slippers too!

  4. Woollen Wilderness12/28/14, 12:55 PM

    Ooh these are just fantastic! I saw the pattern pop by on Ysolda's blog when it was first released, and I've been wanting to make them ever since. I've also never done a thrumming project before, so I'm a bit anxious about it. But these would be such a joy to have, and once I've mastered thrumming I can make everything thrummed. Mittens and hat, hmm that would be so lovely.

    Also just WOW on that picture of the Aidez sweaters, so much awesomeness in one picture.

  5. You should definitely give them a try! Once I got used to the thrumming, I found them a fun distraction from the stockinette stitch. I think the hardest part was figuring out the thickness of the thrum. Most things I read said the finished thrum should be the same thickness as your yarn, but I found that mine were mostly thicker. I just went with it - the slippers are supposed to be soft and cozy so I figured having thick thrums would only help with that!

    And, thank you! I'm so lucky to have such a great family, who appreciates handknits. It makes knitting for them so fun!

  6. thank you! I definitely recommend the pattern - and the slippers! I will admit to wearing them a bit before gifting them ;) so cozy!!

  7. Thanks Gail!I love this photo too! I sure am lucky to have two people that appreciate handknits so much :)

  8. Thank you Michelle! It's one of my new favorite photos - we've never been wearing them all at the same time before! I'm so happy you finished your Aidez! And I'm really interested to see this hat. I'm not sure I know what loop stitch looks like! Happy New Year to you, too!

  9. Beautiful sweaters, and I love those slippers! I'm looking forward to making them for myself.

  10. Thank you! Everyone needs a pair of slippers this comfy!

  11. Rebekah Evelyn2/3/15, 9:41 PM

    The picture of all of you in your Aidez's is so cute. I love it!
