

A Look at the Year Ahead

I'm a little late in posting this, seeing as how it's almost February (what??!), but I realized I never spoke about my knitting plans for 2015 here on the blog. At some point in December, when I was thinking ahead to 2015, I found a sock. You'll notice that's not plural. A lone sock, that was completed in November. 

November 2011. (It's ok, you can judge me.)

I know exactly what happened. In 2011, I had just knit my first pair of socks - a bulky, quick knit. Apparently, I thought that would translate over to this pair, so I cast on thinking they'd be done in no time. Obviously I was wrong, since that sock has been a loner for over 3 years. I decided then that in 2015, I would finally give this sock a mate, and that I would make it a goal of mine to knit more socks. As I write this, I have 4 pairs of handknit socks in my wardrobe. Two of those pairs were made with either bulky or worsted weight, so they are more socks for wearing around the house.

I then took a moment to take stock of all my sock yarn, and discovered I have enough to make 12 pairs (not pictured is another skein), and that's not including the lone sock pictured at the beginning of this post. So I decided to make my goal to knit through my stash. I didn't set a goal of a certain number of pairs, because I want to enjoy the process, and not stress out that I'm not doing it fast enough. I also purchased a couple of pairs of 9 inch circular needles (thanks to a tip from Julie), which I'm hoping will aid me in enjoying the process a bit more. I've also got Cookie A.'s book, Knit. Sock. Love, which inspires me every time I look through it, so I imagine I'll be making a few pairs from that book.

Along with socks, I plan on focusing on more sweaters in 2015. I am a total sweater knitter. I love seeing all the pieces come together to create a wearable work of art. I cast on for my first sweater of 2015 last night, another knit along with Jesse. We're knitting Sundottir, from Brooklyn Tweed Wool People 6. I was even a good knitter, and knit, washed, blocked & measured a gauge swatch!

Also on my to-knit list for 2015 are Oshima, Fold & Turn, Honeycomb Aran. Breezy Cardigan, Beatnik, a couple of designs floating in my noggin, and Seamless Hybrid for Jake. I have no idea if I'll get through all of these, or if I'll get distracted by new patterns along the way, but I know for sure that Oshima and Fold & Turn will get knitted this year.

What are your knitting or fiber goals for the new year? Hope your 2015 is off to a great start!


  1. I love all the colors in your sock yarn stash-can's wait to see how you knit them up :)

  2. Thank you! That pile of yarn is motivation to get knitting, that's for sure. There are some really lovely skeins in there!

  3. Thank you! That pile of yarn is definitely motivation to get knitting, that's for sure. There are some really lovely skeins in there!

  4. SillyLittleLady1/22/15, 6:11 PM

    Gorgeous yarns, so looking forward to seeing them all knit up! My goals for this year are pretty simple - knit from the stash, finish languishing WIPs and publish more patterns. I think your sweater goals are great and I can see each of them fitting in with what I know about your style (which is limited to this blog and Instagram).

  5. Woollen Wilderness1/24/15, 3:04 PM

    Apparently we're quite the opposite! I'm an avid sock knitter and my goal for 2015 is to knit more sweaters. And poor little sock, hopefully 2015 will be the year it will get a mate :) Your sock yarn stash is completely drool worthy.

  6. i'm with you - i'm a total sweater knitter too. i find that socks take too long to enjoy!

  7. Perfect goals! I'm going to try really hard to stick to that list of sweaters and not deviate too much, because I'm really trying to make things that I know will be wardrobe staples, which I feel like all these will be.

  8. I'd love any sock knitting tips you have! I want to be more of a sock knitter!

  9. Ditto! There's just nothing like a handknit sweater!
