
knitting with Jonas

Unless you've been living in a cave, you've no doubt heard about the winter storm that hit a good chunk of the east coast this past weekend. Sidebar: when did we, as a society, decide to start naming winter storms? Call me old fashioned, but I'm not a huge fan. I prefer terms like "blizzard of '93". One day when I'm telling my grandkids about surviving the blizzard of '93, and how our power was out for almost two weeks, I think they'll be so impressed. But then when I bring up surviving winter storm Jonas, they'll say, "whatever grandma, that's a boy band". And then they'll strap on their jet packs and fly away. 

Anyway. Here in Asheville, we got about a foot of snow, and an adult snow day, which resulted in a three day weekend. 

It really was beautiful. And what is one to do when stuck mostly inside for three days other than knit? I took the opportunity to finish up the body of the sweater I'm currently working on, Docklight, by Julie Hoover. I'm using a yarn you've heard me mention quite a bit lately - Bovidae Farms worsted. 

I don't have anything new to say about this yarn. I love it so much! The color I'm using has so much more depth in person than in these photos. 

There are flecks of blue, red, and yellow that are a little hard to pick up on with the camera, but make the color just stunning. I really can't wait to have this one off the needles. I've started the first sleeve, so I'm hoping it'll be done in the next week or so. 

Unfortunately, life picks up where it left off last Thursday afternoon, but I'm thankful for the cozy, warm, long, snowy weekend memories to reflect on during a busy week. I hope you all enjoyed a nice weekend, whatever your weather was!