

FO: Pisgah

This past weekend I was able to finish up the lacy, spring/summer scarf I was working on. The pattern, which I have named Pisgah, is simple and beautiful - I could have been done in just a couple of weeks if I hadn't gotten the 'itis. This is my last week of work, and this will be gifted to the lead teacher I've been working with. She's been a wonderful mentor, and a great friend - couldn't have asked for a better match!

While the scarf turned out fairly wide, by adding one more repeat, I could have made a nice stole. I'm thinking about making another one for myself like that - I love having big comfy knits to wrap around me!

The yarn I used was Araucania Ulmo cotton. I got it on clearance a few years back, and I really enjoyed knitting with it. The cotton makes it perfect for spring and summer and gives it a nice drape.

Isn't my mom such a wonderful model? She didn't want to show her face, but she's still beautiful! I'm thinking about releasing a pattern for this, but can't decide... any thoughts?


  1. Rea Saraphis6/7/11, 10:19 AM

    It's beautiful and being a North Carolinian, I love the name too!

  2. Peacefulknitter6/7/11, 10:55 AM


  3. It's really pretty! I like the lace and the color is fab for spring & summer. :)

  4. Oh, wow! This is very pretty! I love the idea of adding an additional repeat to turn it into a stole. I think it would be perfect over the shoulders with summer dresses! 

  5. Your mom does look beautiful. She reminds me of my mom. The use of the cotton is lovely and the scarf is delicate and seasonal looking, perfect for spring and summer.

  6. JenniferSadler6/7/11, 1:47 PM

    Thank you! I started working on this one day while we were driving to Graveyard Fields for a hike, so I felt the name was fitting :)

  7. JenniferSadler6/7/11, 1:47 PM

    Thank you!!

  8. JenniferSadler6/7/11, 1:48 PM

    Thank you! I'm happy with it!

    Jennifer Sadler

  9. JenniferSadler6/7/11, 1:49 PM

    Yes, me too! I think I'm going to make one!

  10. JenniferSadler6/7/11, 1:49 PM

    Yes, my mom is the BEST! :)

  11. Pdxknitterati6/7/11, 7:41 PM

    I think you should release this pattern. It's really lovely. Congratulations to you!

  12. Love the scarf. Please release the pattern!

  13. What a gorgeous scarf!! It turned out perfectly. 
